- SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development
- Rural and Urban Enterprise Development
- Promoting the Formation of Formal and Informal Economic Development Groups
- Training, Research and Business Counseling
1 Capability Statement
as a local non-profit private company has managed to cover all regions in
Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar. Besides
providing services at national and regional level EDC has provided its services
down to the village level.
EDC has a team of staff and
trainers who have worked for many years with various institutions in the field
of community development, training, marketing, business development and
entrepreneurship. It collaborates with a carefully selected network of
consultants/trainers. The network is continuously developed to enhance both
outreach and performance, at the same time reduce cost to the individual and
the organizations.
addition, EDC aims at building up an indigenous professional capacity that is
sufficiently familiar with the local socio economic and marketing environment
that will enable the firm to adopt approaches and strategies that best suit
local conditions and produce the desired results.
It is also committed to the development of modern
business management practices in the challenging economic environment of
Tanzania. EDC consultants work collaboratively
with clients to diagnose underlying and often unrealized business problems and
to formulate appropriate and workable solutions.
Using the team of
experts, EDC has been able to reach all areas of operation where there has been
a need and resources to support. Below is a list of some of the assignments
which have been undertaken for the past ten years.
- EDC has designed and implemented capacity building projects in the area of Private Sector Development in both urban and rural Tanzania. All projects were successfully completed with significant positive impact on the target area.
- EDC is staffed by experienced, professional consultants who have worked for many years with various local and international institutions in the field of business entrepreneurship development. EDC deploys a highly effective marketing and delivery network that covers virtually the whole of Tanzania. To date EDC is linked to more than 60 active consultants countrywide
- EDCs’ consultants have been involved fully in the projects of Empowering Producer/Processors, Market Linkages and Group/SACCOS Formation implemented by the company in various rural areas in the country.
- EDCs’ Senior Consultants have capability of designing and implement projects such as the training material/modules to meet the clients’ requirements.
- EDCs’ trainers serve as facilitators rather than lecturers. They are well vested in the art of conducting participatory workshops using interactive methods. This training approach is more effective in developing practical, result oriented skills.
- EDC has a very good understanding and familiarity with the local regulatory, statutory, business, socio-economic and political environment. Its extensive contacts in the society, combined with local and regional experience ensures the delivery of appropriate and applicable local solutions.
- EDC has gained significant experience in managing donor project funds in order to achieve the results. Some of the donors are; USAID Tanzania, SNV Netherlands, SWISSAID Tanzania, DFID, World Bank etc.
- Identification of the Needs - EDC does perform The Needs Assessments to identify the requirements of the beneficiaries. The participatory approach used by EDC is an effective method of identifying the needs and wants of the beneficiaries. The ideas obtained are useful in modifying our products to meet the local needs.
- EDC has close professional links with several international and local development agencies within and outside Tanzania including the Government (Regional and Local), NGOs, Volunteer Agencies, Religious Organizations and Individuals. For example:- Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT) Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme (AMSDP), CARITAS, CAMFED Tanzania, EOTF, Private Nurses Midwives Association of Tanzania (PRINMAT), Population Service International (PSI), FINCA Tanzania, Rural Livelihood Development Company (RLDC) Umoja wa Watu Wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (UWZ), Umoja wa Wafanyabiashara Zanzibar (UWAZI), ICON Institut – German, TDI Group Ltd., USAID Tanzania, International Labour Organization (ILO), Development Alternative Inc. (DAI), SNV Netherlands, World Bank, DFID, DANIDA and SWISSAID Tanzania.