- Business Development
Gateway Program – (BDG)
- In-depth assessment of BDG impact beyond logframe
- Marketing BDG alumni potentials’ to financial institutions, guarantee funds.
- Building capacity Business Advisory to SMEs,
- Marketing and Public relations of BDG activities,
- Enterprise skills
development to entrepreneurs to be capable to expand their services.
- Organizational Capacity
Strengthening of KIMWAKI (Kikundi Mwamvuli Kiluvya)
SWISSAID Tanzania contracted EDC to implement the project on strengthening the capacity of KIMWAKI Organization at umbrella as well as group levels. The main objective is to improve living conditions of smallholder producers in the project area through increased production and improved market of their products - Business Development
Gateway ProjectEDC in consortium with ICON Institute Germany and PKF implemented Business Development Gateway Project under Tanzania Private Sector Foundation: to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture of Tanzania by providing entrepreneurs with business ideas and start-up firms with risk grants, thereby enabling them to either start or upgrade a business.Phase I – Funded by World Bank and Phase II – Funded by UK-Aid
- Capacity Building of
SACCOS Enhancing the capacity of various SACCOS leaders and other interested parties, by equipping them with the appropriate SACCOS Management, Supervision Tools and Business Management Skills in Arusha, Coast, Dodoma, Morogoro, Mbeya Mtwara and Mwanza regions.
- Conducted actual training only in Coast and Morogoro regions
- Economic Empowerment and Market Linkage
Njombe District - Iringa; Contracted by AMSDP to empower the farmer producers, processors and traders of Nkasi and Njombe districts in Effective Marketing and Market Linkage Outlets.
- Capacity Building and
Formation of Groups of Livestock Keepers of Zoissa Division in Kongwa
EDC was contracted by RLDC to organize livestock keepers in Zoissa Division, Kongwa District to facilitate capacity building and formation of groups in 12 villages so as to improve the capacities of small holder livestock keepers to ensure familiarity, cohesion, trust and confident between members - Tanzania Fertilizer
Partnership – (Fast Tract Project)
Contracted by Agricultural Council of Tanzania to carry out the Training Component in five districts (Kilombero, Mbarali, Mbeya Rural, Mafinga and Songea Rural Districts), - Lead and coordinated training to different participants in the value chain at district level (famers representative, fertilizer stockiest and distributors, managers of commercial banks and micro-finance institutions, NGOs, CBOs, local government officials and other development workers). - EOTF: Dar es Salaam
Conducted training on Business Skills to 205 Women Entrepreneurs who participated the 31st Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair - CAMFED Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
Conducted Business Skills Training to 48 CAMA Youth Members and Training of Trainers to 32 Members. - Local Government Support
Providing training services using available standardized courses designed for local government authority staff and elected officials under the local government capital development grant system - ACT (Agriculture Council of Tanzania)
Introduction of the program to 5 selected districts, conducting training: sensitization and awareness training; enhancing proper use of agricultural inputs through technical training; improving agricultural productivity by acquiring skills on proper use of fertilizer and improved seeds; commercializing agriculture inputs through credit mobilization and linkages - Agricultural Marketing Systems Dev. Programme (AMSDP)Southern Zone
Training Business Management Skills to 13 Business Service Providers in Mbeya. - PASADA
Trained Customer Service to PASADA Staff. Training held in Dar es Salaam – Temeke - EOTF
Dar es Salaam, Trained Business Skills to 324 Women entrepreneurs participated the 30th Dsm International Trade Fair. - PASADA
Trained Customer Service to 33 PASADA Staff. Training held in Dar es Salaam – Temeke - FINCA Tanzania
Trained Customer Service to 76 FINCA Credit Officer drawn from different regions. Training centres were; Mwanza – 15 Participants, Dar es Salaam – 61 Participants