Profile of Team of Experts
EDC has developed a team
of BDSPs countrywide. The profiles of core team at head office include the
Is a professional SMEs and entrepreneurship (rural and urban) development specialist for the past 18 years and training business subjects in institutions of higher learning in Tanzania for more than 38 years. During this period Kaijanante has accumulated considerable experience in Training (capacity building in How to start and manage a business, Marketing, Customer Service, Managing productive resources, working with financial institutions, how to do farming as a business, managing cash, how to prepare financial statements and interpretation of the financial statements, preparation of cash flows, preparation of business plans, strategic planning, organization and development, fund raising, leadership, business formalization, TOTs, etc plus preparation and designing of training manuals after identifying the training needs of the target group). Also he is well conversant with economic development group formation, value chain, clusters, establishment of SACCOs, business counseling and mentoring. He has attended several short-term professional courses in Business Development Services, Business Management Skills, TOTs, TOTs refresher, Enterprise Competitiveness and innovations, IT and more others. - Mr. TAPUWA NZARA: AGRIBUSINESS TRAINING SPECIALISTHe is a humanitarian developmental researcher with more than 15 years of experience and holds a Master of Science degree in Strategic Management and a Bachelor Science degree in Agriculture. He has amassed in depth understanding of food security, nutrition and Agribusiness related issues in humanitarian developmental projects including food security and livelihood assessment & surveillance, food aid distribution and alternatives such as cash transfers, social protection, and disaster risk reduction and resilience approaches. He has worked on several different donor projects such as International Organization of Migration - (ENABLE) Enhancing Agricultural and Building Livelihoods Resiliency Communities, Donor Group (DG) – Cash transfers & Low Input Gardens project, EC- Cash transfers and Home Based Care, Vocational Educational projects, OFDA, DFID, WFP, FAO, GIZ, USAID, ECHO and EU - Short and long Term Food Security Support Projects. He also coordinated programs focused on increasing effectiveness of processes on improving livelihoods of poor marginalized people in 7 African countries.
Has Master’s Degree in Community Economic Development, a Postgraduate Diploma in General Management, a Professional Certificate in SACCOS Management, a CPA (T), and a Diploma in Materials Management. He has been a senior consultant with EDC from 2005 to date, rendering Business Development Services including coordinating and conducting workshops and training in Business Management Skills, promoting business formalization including promoting the establishment of formal groups, cooperative ventures and grassroots economic groups as well as SACCOS. Mr. Bupamba also acts as Part-time Trainer for SACCOS Management classes conducted by Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCOBS). In Aprul/May 2008, he led a team of EDC consultants which successfully facilitated the establishment of formal groups of livestock keepers in Zoissa ward, in Kongwa Disrict under a contract funded by Rural Livelihood Development Company (RLDC). From June 2008 – January 2010 he undertook an assignment as a Business Analyst Consultant with the Matching Grants Program under the Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) a Project funded by World Bank. - Mr. RUTA MUTAKYAHWA (M.A): TRAINER:
He is a co-partner and the Director of ROMME Centre, a Results Based Management Specialist for private sector enterprises, CSOs and government institutions. He is experienced in participatory methods of training, research and consultancy in project management and evaluation. Ruta has been involved with both profit and non-profit related work since 1984 as a manager, researcher and trainer, and as a consultant. Between 1998 and 2000, Ruta worked for Caritas Kigoma, an UNHCR Implementing Partner in managing transit centres/camps for refugees from Burundi and DRC entering Kigoma Region. Main focus was on improving the livelihood of refugees through provision of hot food, providing water, hygiene and sanitation services. These services aimed at improved care, maintenance and protection of their basic human rights; to curb xenophobia and hostility against them and strengthen advocacy. This assignment made him establish work relationships with local and International Agencies working with refugees including UNHCR, WFP, IRC, UNICEF, TCRS, Tanzania Red Cross, CARE Tanzania, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and regional and district authorities. Ruta has managed projects involving private sector and entrepreneurship development supported by the World Bank, DfID, NORAD in Tanzania and Somaliland. The work involved capacity building through training and provision of professional/ technical services including IGAs (i.e. BDS). He has worked for International agencies such as The World Bank, UNIDO, CIDA, NUFFIC, NORAD, SDC/SECO, SIDA, DANIDA, AMREF Tanzania, STROMME Foundation, Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT), Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Lilian Foundation (Netherlands), DAI/PESA, Trade Development of Ireland (TDI) and Landell Mills of the UK. Ruta has acted as a Country Representative of STROMME Foundation, ECIAfrica Consulting (Pty) Ltd and South African International Business Linkages (SAIBL) supported by USAID. Ruta has travelled widely with extensive work experience in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Somaliland, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. - SUMMA NELSON MWANSASU: TRAINER
Has a Master Degree in Business administration and Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Management with a specialization in Production Management. She has attended ToT conducted by difference institutions. Ms. Mwansasu has been certified as EDC trainer involved in training small entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurship and Business Management Skills. With EDC, she has been involved in implementing donor-funded projects e.g. Private Enterprise Support Activities (PESA) – a Project funded by USAID and Business Development Gateway Program under Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, (funded by World Bank). She is also a lecturer with College of Business Education (CBE), lecturing in Production Management, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Business Administration, Office Management, Consumer Behaviour and Sales Management.