Clients and Project Implemented

In Tanzania EDC is the one of few NGO's has gained significant experience in managing donor project funds in order to achieve the results. The table list below shows clients funding for selected EDC projects:-

  2. ACRA Tanzania – Strengthening Financial Management System of Lumama
  3. Agricultural Council of Tanzania - ACT
  4. Agricultural Marketing System Development Programme (AMSDP)
  5. CAMFED Tanzania
  6. Development Alternative Inc. (DAI)
  7. FAIDA-SEP, Arusha
  8. International Labour Organization (ILO)
  9. Kilombero Community Trust
  10. Rural Livelihood Development Company - RLDC
  11. SNV – Netherlands Development Organization
  12. SWISSAID Tanzania – KIMWAKI Institutional Capacity Building Project
  13. Tanzania Agricultural Council of Tanzania
  14. Tanzania Private Sector Foundation – Technical Support for Implementing BDG Programme
  15. TDI Group – Business Development Gateway Programme & TPSF Matching Grants Program
  16. USAID Tanzania(Development Alternative Inc. - DAI)