Tanzania Fertilizer Partnership – Fast Tract Project

Location within Tanzania:
Kilombero, Mbarali, Mbeya Rural, Mafinga and Songea Rural Districts
Name of client:
Agricultural Council of Tanzania
Narrative Description of Project:
Contracted by Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT) to carry out the District Training Component in the above-mentioned districts, in order to improve the Fertilizer Value Chain Operation in Tanzania.
Description of Actual services Provided by our Staff:
· Conducted stakeholders’ awareness creating workshops (one 1-day workshop in each district).
· Prepared training manuals and conducted training to farmers’ representatives, fertilizer stockiest, distributors and government officials on; i. proper use of fertilizers and storage, use of quality seeds and proper storage, application of crop husbandry ii. Practical at Demonstration Plot.
· Prepared training manuals and conducted actual training on – i. Credit Management Skills, ii. Record Keeping and Costing & Pricing for Profit, iii. Development and Implementation of Business Plan, iv. Farming Commercialization and Market Linkage.
· Conducted a Credit Mobilization and Linkages workshop in all five districtsFollow-up and Reported to Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT)